Wednesday 10 September 2014

A simple websocket client

As we discovered in a previous post, Qlik Sense Desktop communicates with the internal Qlik Sense service process primarily over the websocket protocol (WS) which as we saw can be readily inspected with Fiddler. For the curious among us, this brings within reach the creation of entirely custom Qlik Sense client applications to cater for special requirements and interesting scenarios. In this post, we're going to create the simplest example I can think of to set you on your own "custom client" journey. In this example we'll fashion a .NET Console Application in C# to request the list of documents held in Qlik Sense Desktop and display it in JSON format which is of course simply the raw response from the internal Qlik Sense service (I did say this was a simple example :) ).

This post assumes that you've the .NET Framework 4.5 and a C# IDE such as Visual Studio installed locally. If you don't have Visual Studio, you may want to consider downloading and installing the free Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop. Once you've determined that you have everything you need, please follow the steps below.
  1. Create a .NET Console Application project in the C# IDE of your choice and call it "SenseConsoleApp".
  2. In the newly created project, create a C# class file labelled "SenseWebSocketClient.cs" and enter the following code:
  3.  using System;  
     using System.Collections.Generic;  
     using System.Linq;  
     using System.Net.WebSockets;  
     using System.Text;  
     using System.Threading;  
     using System.Threading.Tasks;  
     namespace SenseConsoleApp  
       public class SenseWebSocketClient  
         private ClientWebSocket _client;  
         public Uri _senseServerURI;  
         public SenseWebSocketClient(Uri senseServerURI)  
           _client = new ClientWebSocket();  
           _senseServerURI = senseServerURI;  
         public async Task<string> GetDocList()  
           string cmd = "{\"method\":\"GetDocList\",\"handle\":-1,\"params\":[],\"id\":7,\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\"}";  
           await _client.ConnectAsync(_senseServerURI, CancellationToken.None);  
           await SendCommand(cmd);  
           var docList = await Receive();  
           return docList;  
         private async Task ConnectToSenseServer()  
           await _client.ConnectAsync(_senseServerURI, CancellationToken.None);  
         private async Task SendCommand(string jsonCmd)  
           ArraySegment<byte> outputBuffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonCmd));  
           await _client.SendAsync(outputBuffer, WebSocketMessageType.Text, true, CancellationToken.None);  
         private async Task<string> Receive()  
           var receiveBufferSize = 1536;  
           byte[] buffer = new byte[receiveBufferSize];  
           var result = await _client.ReceiveAsync (new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), CancellationToken.None);  
           var resultJson = (new UTF8Encoding()).GetString(buffer);  
           return resultJson;  
  4. In "Program.cs", delete all contents and enter the following:
     using System;  
     using System.Collections.Generic;  
     using System.Linq;  
     using System.Text;  
     using System.Threading.Tasks;  
     using System.Net.WebSockets;  
     using System.Threading;  
     namespace SenseConsoleApp  
       class Program  
         static void Main(string[] args)  
         static async Task<string> GetDocList()  
           var client = new SenseWebSocketClient(new Uri("ws://localhost:4848"));  
           Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Qlik Sense...");  
           Console.WriteLine("Getting document list...");  
           var docs = await client.GetDocList();  
           return docs;  
  5. Launch Qlik Sense Desktop so the local server process runs and can be queried by our console application.
  6. Now press F5 to run the application. After a short pause, you should see the list of your Qlik Sense Desktop documents in a JSON format.
    Console application listing the Qlik Sense documents

To summarise, we've sent a JSON command to the Qlik Sense Desktop's local server over the websocket protocol and retrieved the list of documents in a simple console application. The GetDocList JSON command we've sent is as follows:
 {"method":"GetDocList","handle":-1,"params":[],"id":7,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}, "requestPartCount": "1"}  
For other command examples I recommend that you use Fiddler to monitor the websocket traffic between the Qlik Sense Desktop client and the local Qlik Sense server process as described in this previous post and look at the JSON payload in the client requests. As for the technology you use to implement your custom Qlik Sense client, all you need is a websocket library and a JSON library. My background is in C# which is why I opted for .NET but you should also be able to do this in Java, Python and of course HTML5 to mention a few.

I hope you've found this stimulating. Thank you for reading.

Extending built-in Qlik Sense visualisations

Visualisations built into Qlik Sense Desktop (such as the bar chart) are built on the same principle as visualisation extensions created in Workbench.This is great news as it means that there should be a way to extend built-in visualisations rather than having to build your own version of, say, the bar chart from scratch. To find out how to do this, let's fire up our trusty Fiddler (see my previous post for more details on Fiddler) and follow the steps below.

  1. Launch Fiddler
  2. Launch Qlik Sense Desktop
  3. Open a Qlik Sense app (it doesn't matter which)
  4. In Fiddler, hit "Ctrl-F" and search for "client.js", You should find a request for something like this: "http://localhost:4848/resources/assets/client/client.js??1403864013132". This is a key part of the Qlik Sense Desktop client logic. Look at the response in the Inspectors tab and select "View in Notepad". In Notepad, delete the first three lines and  Save the file as "client.js" locally.
    View client.js in Notepad
  5. You'll notice that the JavaScript in "client.js" is not properly indented making in difficult to read. This is because the JavaScript has been minimised by removing whitespaces among other measures designed to optimise load speed. What you'll want to do at this stage is download and install the excellent Notepad++. Once you have Notepad++ installed and running go to Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager, select "JSTool" under the "Available" tab and press "Install".
  6. Now open "client.js" in Notepad++, go to Plugins > JSTool and select "JSFormat". This should indent the JavaScript beautifully. Now save the file.
  7. With client.js still opened in Notepad++, select "Ctrl+F", search for "extensions.qliktech/barchart" and press the button "Find All in Current Document". You should see a few results including what appears to be a number of components that the built-in bar chart depends on (see screenshot below).

    Bar chart components
  8. Feel free to discover for yourself what makes up the built-in bar chart visualisation by reading through the code for each of the components listed above. For the purpose of this exercise however, I'll focus on the core bar chart definition labelled "extensions.qliktech/barchart/barchart" and port it as our own extension.
  9. Open the Workbench editor by pointing your browser to http://localhost:4848/workbencheditor", select the "New" button to create a new visualisation project and specify a project name like "My bar chart".
  10. In Notepad++, copy the contents of the bar chart definition labelled "extensions.qliktech/barchart/barchart" to the clipboard. (I'm including the code below for your convenience.)
     define("extensions.qliktech/barchart/barchart", ["jquery", "util", "qvangular", "client.utils/state", "general.utils/property-resolver", "extensions.qliktech/barchart/bararea", "extensions.qliktech/barchart/barchart-properties", "objects.views/charts/scrollable-chart", "objects.views/charts/components/chart-component", "objects.views/charts/components/grid", "objects.views/charts/components/axis/discrete-axis", "objects.views/charts/representation/combo-color-map", "objects.views/charts/utils/binding", "objects.views/charts/chart-data-helper", "objects.backend-api/pivot-api", "objects.utils/shapes/rect", "text!./", "objects.extension/object-conversion"], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r) {  
                              function s(a, b, c, d, e, f) {  
                                   var g,  
                                   h = ["bottom", "top"],  
                                   i = ["left", "right"];  
                                   "horizontal" === f ? (g = h, h = i, i = g, d.setDock("right")) : d.setDock("bottom"),  
                                   a.setDock("far" === e.dimensionAxis.dock ? h[1] : h[0]),  
                                   b.setDock("far" === e.dimensionAxis.dock ? h[1] : h[0]),  
                                   c.setDock("far" === e.measureAxis.dock ? i[1] : i[0])  
                              var t,  
                              v = 500,  
                              w = {  
                                   NONE : 0,  
                                   ONE_DIM : 1,  
                                   TWO_DIM : 2  
                              return t = h.extend("BarChart", {  
                                        namespace : ".barchart",  
                                        init : function (b, c, d, e) {  
                                             var g,  
                                             h = a.extend(!0, {}, d);  
                                             this.$scope = b,  
                                             d = a.extend(!0, d || {}, {  
                                                       components : {  
                                                            dataArea : {  
                                                                 clazz : f  
                                                            miniChart : {  
                                                                 components : {  
                                                                      dataArea : {  
                                                                           clazz : f  
                                                  }, h),  
                                             this._super(b, c, d, e),  
                                             this._data = {},  
                                             this._tree = null,  
                                             g = this.components.miniChart,  
                                             this.components.miniChart && (this.components.miniChart.setBackendApi(this.backendApi), this.components.scrollArea.setUseMiniChart(!0), g.components.measureAxis.setDock("left"), g.components.dimensionAxis.setDock("bottom"), g.components.dataArea.setMinorAxis(g.components.measureAxis), g.components.dataArea.setMajorAxis(g.components.dimensionAxis), g.components.dataArea.setShowDataPoints(!1), g.setColorMap(this.providers.colorMap)),  
                                             this._orientation = "vertical"  
                                        initSelections : function () {  
                                             this.selections.Select.bind(function (a, b) {  
                                                  var c = [0];  
                                                  this.selections._activeType.components.dataArea ? c = this.components.dataArea.getSelectionIndices() || [0] : this.selections._activeType.components.legend && (c = this.components.legend.getSelectionIndices()),  
                                                  this.onSelection.Select.apply(this, [a, b, c, "L"])  
                                        _paint : function () {  
                                             if (this._super() === !1)  
                                                  return !1;  
                                             var a,  
                                             b = this._data,  
                                             c = this.components.scrollArea,  
                                             d = this.getSnapshotStoredChartData(),  
                                             e = "vertical" === b.orientation ? this.rect.height : this.rect.width,  
                                             f = 0;  
                                             if (this._cutMode ? ((this._cutMode.positive || this._cutMode.negative) && (this._layoutMode >= 31 && (f = 48), f = this._layoutMode >= 15 ? 32 : this._layoutMode >= 7 ? 16 : 8), "vertical" === b.orientation ? this.components.measureAxis.setPadding(this._cutMode.positive ? f : 0, 0, this._cutMode.negative ? f : 0, 0) : this.components.measureAxis.setPadding(0, this._cutMode.positive ? f : 0, 0, this._cutMode.negative ? f : 0)) : this.components.measureAxis.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0), this.components.dimensionAxis.setMaxDiscreteUnitSize(Math.max(1, Math.ceil(e / 4))), this.components.dimensionAxisTitle.setFont(this.components.dimensionAxis._style.title.font), this.layout(), this._readStoredData && (this.components.dimensionAxis.setInnerOffset(d.axisInnerOffset), this.components.scrollArea.setOffset(d.scrollOffset)), !this.checkPage()) {  
                                                  for (a in this.components)  
                                                  c.viewState.min + c.viewState.range > c.fullState.max && c.setOffset(c.fullState.max - c.viewState.range)  
                                        prePaint : function () {},  
                                        _updateData : function (a) {  
                                             this._checkPage = !1,  
                                             this._data = a,  
                                             this.isStacked = "stacked" === a.barGrouping.grouping && (a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.length > 1 || a.qHyperCube.qMeasureInfo.length > 1),  
                                             this.components.measureAxis.isStacked = this.isStacked,  
                                             a.orientation && this.components.miniChart ? (this._orientation !== a.orientation && (this.components.miniChart.clear(), this._orientation = a.orientation), this.components.miniChart.setOrientation(a.orientation), this.components.scrollArea.setMiniChart(this.components.miniChart)) : this._orientation = a.orientation,  
                                             this.components.scrollArea.getUseMiniChart() && this.components.miniChart && this.components.miniChart.setData(a);  
                                             var b = {  
                                                  axes : {  
                                                       measureAxis : {  
                                                            component : this.components.measureAxis  
                                                       dimensionAxis : {  
                                                            component : this.components.dimensionAxis  
                                                  axisTitles : {  
                                                       dimensionAxisTitle : {  
                                                            component : this.components.dimensionAxisTitle  
                                                  refLineLabels : {  
                                                       labels : {  
                                                            data : a.refLine.refLines,  
                                                            component : this.components.refLineLabels  
                                                  refLines : {  
                                                       component : this.components.refLines  
                                             c = null,  
                                             d = this.getSnapshotStoredChartData();  
                                             this.scrollMultiplicator = 1,  
                                             this._pagingMode = w.NONE,  
                                             this.components.dataArea._allowInnerSelection = !1,  
                                             a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.length < 2 && a.qHyperCube.qSize.qcy > v ? (c = a.qHyperCube.qSize.qcy, "grouped" === a.barGrouping.grouping && a.qHyperCube.qMeasureInfo.length > 1 && (this.scrollMultiplicator = a.qHyperCube.qMeasureInfo.length + 1, c *= this.scrollMultiplicator), this._pagingMode = w.ONE_DIM) : a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.length > 1 && "grouped" === a.barGrouping.grouping ? (a.qHyperCube.qSize.qcy > v && (this._pagingMode = w.TWO_DIM, c = a.qHyperCube.qSize.qcy), this.components.dataArea._allowInnerSelection = a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qOption + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qSelected <= 1) : a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.length > 1 && (this.components.dataArea._allowInnerSelection = a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qOption + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qSelected <= 1, c = this.isStacked ? a.qHyperCube.qStackedDataPages && a.qHyperCube.qStackedDataPages.length ? Math.max(a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qOption + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qSelected, a.qHyperCube.qStackedDataPages[0].qData[0].qSubNodes.length) : a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qOption + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qSelected : a.qHyperCube.qDataPages[0].qMatrix.length + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qOption + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo[0].qStateCounts.qSelected, this._pagingMode = w.ONE_DIM),  
                                             this.components.dimensionAxis.isDiscrete() || (this._pagingMode = w.NONE),  
                                             this._super(a, b),  
                                             this._readStoredData ? (this.components.dimensionAxis.setInnerOffset(d.axisInnerOffset), this.components.scrollArea.setOffset(d.scrollOffset)) : (this.components.dimensionAxis.setInnerOffset(0), this.components.scrollArea.setOffset(0)),  
                                             this._checkPage = !0  
                                        updateDataArea : function (a) {  
                                             this.components.miniChart && this.components.miniChart.components.dataArea.setGroupingMode(a.barGrouping.grouping),  
                                        updateAxis : function (c, e) {  
                                             var f,  
                                             t = c.qHyperCube.qMeasureInfo.filter(function (a) {  
                                                       return !isNaN(a.qMin)  
                                                  }).map(function (a) {  
                                                       return {  
                                                            min : a.qMin,  
                                                            max : a.qMax,  
                                                            index : c.qHyperCube.qMeasureInfo.indexOf(a)  
                                             n = t.reduce(function (a, b) {  
                                                       return a.min < b.min ? a : b  
                                                  }, t[0]),  
                                             o = t.reduce(function (a, b) {  
                                                       return a.max > b.max ? a : b  
                                                  }, t[0]),  
                                             p = n ? n.min : u,  
                                             q = o ? o.max : u,  
                                             b.isNumeric(p) || (p = 0),  
                                             b.isNumeric(q) || (q = 1),  
                                             f = this.components.measureAxis,  
                                             g = this.components.dimensionAxis,  
                                             h = this.components.dimensionAxisTitle;  
                                             var v = this.components.dataArea.getMajorAxisData(),  
                                             w = this.components.dataArea.getMinorAxisData();  
                                             k = (a) {  
                                                       return a.qFallbackTitle  
                                                  }).join(", "),  
                                             l = (a) {  
                                                       return a.qFallbackTitle  
                                                  }).join(", "),  
                                             d.view !== d.Views.story ? (h.setTitle(l), h.showComponent()) : h.hideComponent(),  
                                             a.extend(e.axes.measureAxis, {  
                                                  data : c.measureAxis,  
                                                  title : k,  
                                                  dataIndices : (a, b) {  
                                                       return b  
                                             a.extend(e.axes.dimensionAxis, {  
                                                  data : c.dimensionAxis,  
                                                  title : d.view !== d.Views.story ? "" : l,  
                                                  dataIndices : (a, b) {  
                                                       return b  
                                                  currentDataIndices : [0]  
                                             a.extend(e.axisTitles.dimensionAxisTitle, {  
                                                  data : c.dimensionAxis,  
                                                  title : d.view !== d.Views.story ? "" : l  
                                             m = e.axes.measureAxis,  
                                             r = this.getAxisOptions(m),  
                                             e.refLineLabels.labels.axis = f,  
                                             s.apply(this, [g, h, f, this.components.scrollArea, c, this._orientation]),  
                                             this._super(c, e);  
                                             for (j in e.axes)  
                                                  i = e.axes[j], i.component.setDataIndices(i.dataIndices || [i.dataIndex || 0]), i.component.setCurrentDataIndices(i.currentDataIndices || i.dataIndices || [i.dataIndex || 0]);  
                                             p > q ? (q = 10, p = -10) : p === q && 0 === q && (q = 10, p = -10),  
                                             q = Math.max(0, q),  
                                             p = Math.min(0, p),  
                                             n && o ? (this._cutMode = this.getSpikeSettings(c, n, o, p, q, r), q = this._cutMode.max, p = this._cutMode.min) : this._cutMode = {  
                                                  positive : !1,  
                                                  negative : !1  
                                             w ? this.setAxisDataRange(f, w.max, w.min, r.max, r.min, 1) : this.setAxisDataRange(f, q, p, r.max, r.min, 1),  
                                             g.setUnitAlignment("none" === ? "center" : ["near", "far"].contains(c.measureAxis.dock) ? g.isHorizontal() ? c.measureAxis.dock : "near" === c.measureAxis.dock ? "far" : "near" : g.isHorizontal() ? "left" === c.measureAxis.dock ? "near" : "far" : "bottom" === c.measureAxis.dock ? "far" : "near")  
                                        getSpikeSettings : function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {  
                                             for (var g, h, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0, m = !1, n = !1, o = c.index + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.length, p = b.index + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.length, q = a.qHyperCube.qDataPages[0] ? a.qHyperCube.qDataPages[0].qMatrix : [], r = 0; r < q.length; r++)  
                                                  g = q[r], h = g[o].qNum, 0 >= h || isNaN(h) || (g[0].qIsOtherCell || g[1].qIsOtherCell ? k = Math.max(h, k) : i = Math.max(h, i), h = g[p].qNum, h >= 0 || (g[0].qIsOtherCell || g[1].qIsOtherCell ? l = Math.min(h, l) : j = Math.min(h, j)));  
                                             return this.isStacked && a.qHyperCube.qMeasureInfo.length + a.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.length > 2 || (null !== f.max && f.max < e ? m = f.max > 0 : i > 0 && k / i > 5 ? (e = i, m = e >= 0) : 0 === i && k > 10 && (e = 1, m = e >= 0), null !== f.min && f.min > d ? n = f.min < 0 : 0 > j && l / j > 5 ? (d = j, n = 0 > d) : 0 === j && -10 > l && (d = -1, n = 0 > d)), {  
                                                  max : e,  
                                                  min : d,  
                                                  positive : m,  
                                                  negative : n  
                                        release : function () {  
                                        setOrientation : function (a) {  
                                             this._orientation = a || "horizontal"  
                                        getOrientation : function () {  
                                             return this._orientation  
                                        getContextMenu : function (a, b) {  
                                             var c = a.model;  
                                             d.state === d.States.edit && (a.isReadonly || b.addItem({  
                                                       translation : "contextMenu.flip"  
                                                  }).Activated.bind(function () {  
                                                       c.getProperties().then(function (a) {  
                                                            a.orientation = "horizontal" === a.orientation ? "vertical" : "horizontal",  
                                   }), {  
                                   type : "barchart",  
                                   BackendApi : o,  
                                   template : q,  
                                   View : t,  
                                   definition : g,  
                                   initialProperties : {  
                                        version : .96,  
                                        qHyperCubeDef : {  
                                             qDimensions : [],  
                                             qMeasures : [],  
                                             qMode : "S",  
                                             qPseudoDimPos : 1e4,  
                                             qAlwaysFullyExpanded : !0,  
                                             qInitialDataFetch : [{  
                                                       qTop : 0,  
                                                       qHeight : v,  
                                                       qLeft : 0,  
                                                       qWidth : 17  
                                             qSuppressZero : !1,  
                                             qSuppressMissing : !0  
                                   snapshot : {  
                                        canTakeSnapshot : !0  
                                   options : {  
                                        selections : {  
                                             dataArea : {},  
                                             tooltip : {},  
                                             range : {},  
                                             legend : {}  
                                   importProperties : function (a, b, c) {  
                                        var d = r.axisChart.importProperties.apply(r, [a, b, c]),  
                                        e = d.qProperty;  
                                        return e.qHyperCubeDef.qDimensions.length > 1 && "stacked" === e.barGrouping.grouping && (e.qHyperCubeDef.qMode = "K"),  
                                   exportProperties : r.axisChart.exportProperties.bind(r)  
  11. In workbench, select your custom extension project's JavaScript file, delete all content, paste the code you've just copied to your clipboard and modify the first line as follows: 
     define(["jquery", "util", "qvangular", "client.utils/state", "general.utils/property-resolver", "extensions.qliktech/barchart/bararea", "extensions.qliktech/barchart/barchart-properties", "objects.views/charts/scrollable-chart", "objects.views/charts/components/chart-component", "objects.views/charts/components/grid", "objects.views/charts/components/axis/discrete-axis", "objects.views/charts/representation/combo-color-map", "objects.views/charts/utils/binding", "objects.views/charts/chart-data-helper", "objects.backend-api/pivot-api", "objects.utils/shapes/rect", "text!extensions.qliktech/barchart/", "objects.extension/object-conversion"], function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r) {  
    This simply removes the characters ""extensions.qliktech/barchart/barchart" and replaces the characters "text!./" with "text!extensions.qliktech/barchart/" as the template is only local to the original built-in bar chart, not local to our custom bar chart extension.
  12. Don't forget to edit your project's QEXT file and specify a unique name for your extension such as "My bar chart".
  13. That's it, you should now be able to use this extension in your app. When you do, it should look exactly like the built-in bar chart but you now have it under your control to tweak as you wish. 
    An extension based on the built-in bar chart
So, to summarise, we've discovered how to create a custom extension based on a built-in Qlik Sense extension (in this case the bar chart). This was a simple example and we haven't actually made any customisations yet but it feels like a good start. To create meaningful customisations we might need to bring in some of the built-in bar chart dependencies such as "extensions.qliktech/barchart/layers/bar-layer" and customise those. I will cover this in a future post. Many thanks for reading.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Qlik Sense Desktop under the hood

OK, so you've been playing with Qlik Sense Desktop for a little while now, it's all pretty neat and you're getting increasingly curious about how it works under the hood. Let's see how you might go about investigating that.
  1. Launch Qlik Sense Desktop.
  2. Hit Ctrl-Shift-RightClick in the desktop client. You should now see a context menu with two interesting menu options i.e. "View source" and "Show DevTools".
  3. Select View source and notice that the source markup looks an awful lot like HTML5.
  4. Select "Show DevTools" and notice a typical browser deveveloper tools window opens in a new tab. In other words the presentation layer of Qlik Sense Desktop is actually a local web application. 
  5. So if this is a web application it should talking to a server process probably over HTTP. A good way to see this in action by using a HTTP Debug Proxy such as Fiddler. Download and install Fiddler in order to carry on with the next steps.
  6. Close Qlik Sense Desktop.
  7. Launch Fiddler.
  8. Relaunch Qlik Sense Desktop.
  9. You should now see a flurry of activity in Fiddler as shown below. You can select any line and view the HTTP requests and responses to and from the host (in this case "localhost") in Fiddler's Inspectors tab. The first call for /hub requests the HTML template or master page for the Qlik Sense app, subsequent calls are for CSS stylesheets, JavaScript and TTF font resources as you'd expect. But then you notice an intriguing "Tunnel to " HTTP request (see Fiddler line 8 in the screenshot below) which is followed by a request for "http://localhost:port/app/%3Ftransient%3D" returning with HTTP status code 101. 
    Fiddler capturing Qlik Sense Desktop HTTP traffic
  10. Select the request for "http://localhost:port/app/%3Ftransient%3D" and inspect the request/response in Fiddler's Inspectors tab (see screenshot below). Notice that the Qlik Sense Desktop client has requested a protocol switch from HTTP to the websocket protocol.
    Protocol switch request
  11. OK, we've just switched protocol but Fiddler only seems to be showing HTTP traffic... Fear not as a clever developer has already sorted that problem out at the CodeProject. Follow the steps carefully in that article to configure Fiddler to show websocket traffic in an intuitive fashion.
  12. Now close Qlik Sense Desktop and Fiddler.
  13. Relaunch Fiddler.
  14. Relaunch Qlik Sense.
  15. Now, in Fiddler you should see a large number of requests for the "fakewebsocket" host (see screenshot below). As you can see in the URL column these requests are distinguished between "Client" and "Server". In fact the "Client" requests represent the web socket requests from the Qlik Sense Desktop client and the "Server" requests represent the web socket responses from the local Qlik Sense server. 
    Websocket traffic in Fiddler
  16. Now as part of your exploration of all this websocket chatter, select the request for "http://fakewebsocket/WSSession23.Client.9". In the Fiddler inspector tab select "Raw" to view the entire request and notice that the body of the request looks very much like JSON. Therefore you may as well select the JSON option instead of Raw to display a nicely formatted view of the data. As you can see the Qlik Sense Desktop client is requesting a list of documents by invoking the method "GetDocList".
    GetDocList request
  17. Now let's look into the response from the server by selecting the request for "http://fakewebsocket/WSSession23.Server.10" and notice that the server has indeed responded with a list of documents which appear to be the applications you've previously created in Qlik Sense Desktop.
    GetDocList response

Cool, that was fun and interesting. So, how could we harness this newfound knowledge to create new and exciting things? That will be the subject of a future post. Thanks a lot for reading.

Monday 8 September 2014

Porting d3.js visualisations to Qlik Sense

You may be aware that the JavaScript framework d3.js puts stunning visualisations at hand's reach of HTML5 practitioners and Qlik Sense developers willing to give it a go. I highly recommend you to visit if you haven't yet done so and have fun browsing the interactive gallery. My guess is that a quick glance at the gallery will trigger within you a strong desire to port d3.js visualisations to Qlik Sense (just for fun if anything). If so, you're in luck as I'm just about to show you a quick example using Qlik Sense Desktop in a few easy steps.
  1. Install Qlik Sense Desktop 
  2. Launch the Qlik Sense Desktop application
  3. Open Workbench, the Qlik Sense extension editor, by pointing your browser to "http://localhost:4848/workbencheditor/". You should see something like this:
    Qlik Sense's Workbench
  4. Find an interesting visualisation on d3.js such as this one entitled Cluster Force Layout IV (Credit to Mike Bostock at which I'll base this example on.
  5. View the source of the page at to reveal the JavaScript code. You do this by right-clicking the page with your browser and selecting "View page source" (I use Google Chrome). You should now see something like this:
    Visualisation source code
  6. Create a new extension project in the Workbench by selecting the "New" button. Name the extension "ForceCluster" and select "chart-template". Workbench will automatically create a JavaScript file and a QEXT file. The JavaScript file is responsible for behaviour and rendering and the QEXT file simply holds metadata about your extension such as name, version and author.
  7. Copy everything within the script tag in the page source (shown in the above screenshot) and paste it in the body of the paint function. The first few lines of the paint function should be as follows:
    Altered paint function
  8. Now we need to apply a slight tweak to the code so that the d3.js framework can find the extension object in the page. To do so, search for the following line:
     var svg ="body").append("svg")  
       .attr("width", width)  
       .attr("height", height);  
    and replace it with:
         // Chart object width  
               var width = $element.width();  
               // Chart object height  
               var height = $element.height();  
               // Chart object id  
               var id = "container_" + layout.qInfo.qId;  
               // Check to see if the chart element has already been created  
               if (document.getElementById(id)) {  
                    // if it has been created, empty its contents so we can redraw it  
                     $("#" + id).empty();  
               else {  
                    // if it hasn't been created, create it with the appropiate id and size  
                     $element.append($('<div />').attr("id", id).width(width).height(height));  
               var svg ="#" + id).append("svg")  
                    .attr("width", width)  
                    .attr("height", height);  
    (Credit to Speros for his post entitled "Tutorial: How to Build a Qlik Sense Extension with D3" at
  9. Select "Save all" in the Workbench toolbar.
  10. As we're porting a d3.js visualisation we'll need to import the d3.js framework so Qlik Sense Desktop can find it. Point your browser to and save the page as d3.v3.min.js somewhere locally.
  11. Now import the JavaScript file into your extension project by selecting the "Import Asset" button () situated in the top left hand area of Workbench and browsing to the file you've just saved.
  12. Finally in the first line of the ForceCluster.js file replace the following characters:
     ["jquery", "extensions/ForceCluster/d3.v3.min"]  
    This is so the d3.js framework can be referenced within our JavaScript code.
  13. Your animated visualisation should now be ready to use. In Qlik Sense desktop create a new app, then a new sheet, edit the latter and drag the "ForceCluster" chart from the chart toolbar on the left hand-side onto the design area. Assuming that you set up a data source for your app, select a dimension and a measure (these won't actually be used in this example, I'll cover that in a future post).
    Resulting interactive visualisation
Thank you for reading, this was a very simple first example to get you started. Eventually, of course you'd want to be able to bind the visualisation to some real data loaded in Qlik Sense, add labels and make selections. More on all that in another post.


Brave new Qlik Sense world

By now most Qlik fans out there will have downloaded the Desktop version of Qlik Sense while eagerly awaiting the release of Qlik Sense server slated for later this month.
In my opinion, Qlik Sense is an exciting product that opens up a new world of possibilities for developers and Qlik partners thanks to a push towards a platform architecture with the adoption of web standard APIs. In this blog I aim to explore these exciting new possibilities for self-service business intelligence.